HEALING & SORE THROAT OIL This Product is our Best Seller! Has NEW regulator cap! This bottle will not tip or spill! You CAN request the old 1 dram dropper for $2 extra
For Qty 1-7 oils Add $13.50 S/H + tax in the continental USA (Priority USPS mail) For Qty 8-30 oils Add $22.50 S/H + tax in the continental USA (Priority USPS mail)
This proprietary combination of oils can be best used at the first sign of illness–esp. sore throat, hoarse voice, flu, colds, sore teeth and gums. It also can be used as a flavoring for Dr. Christopher’s “Anti- Plague” remedy to make it more palatable ! It may assist in aiding singing voices and public speaking voices, or to soothe or treat almost ANY mouth or throat ailment.
***One client found this product worked phenomenally well for a child with a croupy cough by putting only 1 drop of Sore Throat Oil in 1/4 tsp of saline for a small child (1/2 tsp +2 drops for a large child) & put that into a nebulizer or a mask. It is equivalent to using a neti pot on a child! It can amazingly stop a croupy cough! (from Lindsay Taylor of Utah)
To Use Externally: Put 3 drops into 1 tsp. of carrier oil & massage on the feet, throat, tonsils or ears for reflexology healing. Do NOT use externally without a carrier oil ! (I recommend Pure olive oil, coconut or grape seed oil.) To Use Internally: For adults, take 2 drops every 4 hrs. only on a spoon or directly in the mouth. Coat the back of the tongue & swallow. For children under 12, take 1 drop every 4 hrs. (You can also rub 2 drops of this oil on the feet of small children with a carrier oil!) Do not take for more than 7 days consecutively. Small doses are much more effective than large doses. Do NOT overdose!
This formula may prevent a sore throat, cold &flu from progressing and can avert strep throatfrom becoming painful if used at the first sign ofsymptoms. Also it works great for singing voices and public speaking.
1/2 Dram bottle (shown on left) $10 + tax + S/H priority mail in the continental USA 1.5 dram bottle (shown on right) $20 + tax + S/H priority mail in the continental USA
For 1-5 oils Add $13.50 S/H via Priority Mail in the continental USA For 6-15 oils Add $ 22.50 S/H via Priority Mail in the continental USA Can be used for:
Headache: Place oil only on hairline. Use 1 drop on each: temples, forehead and the base of skull. Do NOT get the oil near the eyes! Mental fatigue:Rub 1 drop behind each earlobe. Wait for the cooling sensation... and you'll feel the "pick me up"! Nausea/Upset Stomach: Massage 2 drops slowly in a counter-clockwise direction on the navel or stomach area. Sore muscles or joints:Dilute 6 drops with 1 tsp of olive oil or fractionated coconut oil as a carrier oil. Massage directly on the skin of sore muscle or joint area. Sinus congestion:Rub 3 drops on palms. Sniff deeply into cupped hands. Do NOT touch the eyes! Wash hands well with soap when you're done.
INGREDIENTS: A proprietary blend of almond oil, camphor, mint oils, menthol & sweet birch oil.
For external use only!! Do NOT use on broken skin or in contact with eyes. Burning will occur! Keep out of reach of children! This oil has a shelf life of 20 years.
Testimonials: I keep this in my purse for my work and use it instead of Excedrine!- Jan- in AZ
FLESH GROW 1 ounce $10 plus tax +$12 s/h priority mail in the continental USA 2 ounces $18 plus tax +$12 s/h priority mail in the continental USA This is a great powdered formula- you won't find one out there ANYWHERE on the market. If you have had a severe wound or injury to your flesh, it will REGROW your flesh! Made with a proprietary blend of Comfrey, Slippery Elm, Goldenseal & Myrrh. Add only 1 tsp of this formula to Aloe Vera gel and you put this on as a poultice daily and wrap the skin in saran wrap. No need to wash it off- put more on the wound each day and you will see flesh growing within the week! Store product in a cool dark cupboard.
Read the testimonials below:
"I had the unfortunate experience in 2013 of having an incision for 7 months that would not heal. After having tried many different medical treatments (medihoney, collagen, surgically abraiding, and stitches - 4 times!!) I was at my wits end. Finally, Marilyn Light suggested I use her Flesh Grow paste on a daily basis. After about 4 weeks I saw a noticeable difference. By 6 weeks I was able to resume my normal activity level; I was rejoicing because I hadn't been able to do the things I loved for 7 months!! Once my incision healed, Marilyn suggested I use a special oil called Helichrysm to heal the scar faster. I have been using the oil for about a month now and can't believe how quickly my scar is healing and fading. Marilyn was able to help me when modern medical doctors could not. I am very grateful!! Lari Todd- UT
I had an accident when I was unhitching my trailer in 2004. It took off ALL the flesh above my last knuckle of my left thumb. The bone was totally exposed -front and back- and the entire thumbnail was gone! A friend took me to the emergency room where they told me they could not sew the thumb back on and I would be called "Stubby" for the rest of my life. Marilyn gave me a poultice of this herb which I applied and wrapped daily. Within a month I had a NEW thumb that looked like "Cauliflower" growing- something they call "Proud flesh". The ENTIRE thumb regrew- even my fingerprint came back! She used other herbs to help the thumbnail grow back entirely too. The only way you can tell I ever had an injury to the thumb is to look at the base of the thumb and you can see the scar of the flesh were it tore away initially. I am so grateful to this product giving me a whole hand again! Bruce Light- UT
PAIN OIL 30 ml bottle $12 + tax +S/H Made with organic Fractionated Coconut oil and a proprietary blend of Frankincense, Lemongrass and Marjoram oil. Use for pain in joints, muscles and tissues! Apply Topically ONLY! Needs no refrigeration. Shelf life 4 years
FRESH VALERIAN ROOT TINCTURE Valeriana Officinalis 1-ounce bottle $18 +tax + $13.50+ S/H GROUND only/continental USA 2 ounce bottle $30 + +tax +$13.50+ S/H GROUND only/continental USA For anyone who has extreme mental energy and cannot seem to sleep at night without putting the conversations in their head to rest. Do you feel "strung out"? Do you have an extremely mental job- requiring a lot of thinking instead of physical energy?? The Aryuvedic call this being too "Vata".
This tincture is NOT the same as regular Valerian tincture you buy in the stores. It is made in a higher potency alcohol from FRESH homegrown roots. It will help you relax or clam down, day or night, without feeling sleepy. Valerian is high in calcium and treats the nervous system allowing the mind to relax leading to more clarity in thinking if used during the day, and increased ability to sleep peacefully at night. Don't be fooled--This is different from your standard dried Valerian root tincture!! This product is made extremely potent and dosage is only 5-10 drops per use. This tincture has a shelf life of 30 yrs.+!! Ingredients: Fresh Organic Valerian Root, Everclear alchohol. Keep out of reach of children. Needs no refrigeration. Will store for decades.